We regard Bullet as one of the finest dogs we have ever produced. As a competitor, hunter >and companion, he was exceptional. He had Shooting Dog range, was very fast >and very confident. Bullet has a very strong Greif background. He was out of our bitch, Pasha, a 2X NSTRA Champion >and FC Kerlie von Shilo. Bullet sired several very nice litters including the one that produced Slick.

3X NSTRA Champion 

1993 Southern California NSTRA Region Champion
1990 Southern California NSTRA Region High Point Dog
1993 Southern California NSTRA Region High Point Dog

\NSTRA Champion Teton’s Bullet  (1987-1999)

 Teton’s Bullet

Bullets last covey find , 12 years young

Working Scalies

FC RPM Snowy River honors Bullets point